Found 37 blog entries about FAQs.

Each year, the County of Maui sends out a notice of the assessed value of a property on March 15th.  This is the first step in determining the taxes that each property owner will owe for the upcoming fiscal year, that starts July 1, 2022 and ends June 30, 2023.  The next step is the county council will meet in June and establish the new rates for each land class.  Read More about the Maui County 2021-2022 Real Property Tax Rates

The Notice of Real Property Assessment-January 1, 2022 for real property taxes due July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 are now available online.  These notices were mailed to property owners on 3/15/22.

The letters note that the assessed valuations were "derived using comparable sales that recorded up to June 30, 2021.  The

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Maui Property Taxes 2021-2022
Changes: Classifications & Rates

Each year, Maui County does two things: assesses the value of the property AND sets new rates for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from July 1st-June 30th.  Also of note is the passing of Bill 129 (effective 2022) which provides an exemption for properties being rented long term and Bill 130 (effective 2021) which changes definitions relating to Non-Owner Occupied properties and Short-Term Rental classifications.

Maui Property Tax Rates 2021-2022

How do you calculate your property taxes given the new tiered system?

Fidelity National Title put together this helpful video when the new tiered system was introduced in 2020.  

Maui County Property Tax Rates 2021-2022 vs Prior Years

Rates are per $1000 of

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Traveling to Maui?

Here are Guidelines for Travelers to Maui with the new Pre-Testing travel program.  Travelers will need to test with state approved partners:  View approved testing partners as this is being updated as new testing protocols are made available.

Guidelines for Traveling to Maui

What Can I expect?  Travel Testing Protocol Explained

For those coming to Maui, you must register for the Safe Travels online program at https://travel.hawaii.gov/ and create an account. 

Pre-travel testing enables travelers to avoid a mandatory 14-day quarantine if they are tested within 72 hours before their flight to Hawaii departs with an FDA approved nucleic acid amplifications test (NAAT) and can show proof of the negative test result.  

The State of Hawaii will only

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As Maui prepares to welcome visitors back on October 15, 2020 with a new pre-travel testing protocol, several businesses are reopening or adjusting their hours to accommodate more visitors and guests. 

The following is an update on the Montage Kapalua Bay, Kapalua Golf and Tennis, and area restaurants that have made information available.  





The Montage Kapalua Bay will welcome back owners and guests on October 15, 2020.  View Residences for Sale at the Montage Kapalua Bay


The Spa Montage will open with reduced hours from 7am - 5pm daily.  This applies to Club Members, Montage Residents, and Montage Resort

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Maui Travel Information  

Updated July 13, 2020

In response to COVID-19, the State of Hawaii implemented a 14-day quarantine for travelers which remains in effect until July 31, 2020. 

June 16, 2020: As Hawaii flattened the curve, the state lifted the quarantine for interisland travel for residents and visitors who have completed the 14 day quarantine.   The state implemented thermal screening and a stronger contact-tracing program.  Travelers are required to complete a new interisland travel form, which must be provided prior to travel--anyone who has not submitted the form or has a temperature above 100.4 degrees will not be allowed to fly. For the forms and more information visit:https://health.hawaii.gov/travel/  

September 1, 2020: In the wake of growing

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Maui Travel Information  

In response to COVID-19, the State of Hawaii implemented a 14-day quarantine for travelers.  Initially, this included those traveling interisland, as well as those arriving to the state both internationally and from the mainland US.  As the number of cases has dropped within the state, the government lifted the interisland quarantine starting on June 16, 2020.  The quarantine remains in effect for mainland/international travelers to the state until July 31, 2020.  

The state requires intersisland travelers to complete and submit a has a new travel form.  This must be provided prior to travel--anyone who has not submitted the form or has a temperature above 100.4 degrees will not be allowed to fly. For the forms and more information

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Maui Real Property Tax Assessement Information

Property owners in Maui County should be receiving their notices of their annual Real Property Tax Assessment, which were mailed on March 15, 2020.  The notices will include:

  • Tax Rate Classification
  • January 1st Assessment (market value as of last June 30th, 2019)
  • Exemption and person receiving the exemption

The deadline to file an appeal is April 9, 2020.  Errors can occur, exemptions can be missed, so please check your notice carefully. If no action is taken the owner will be committed to the tax rate classification, assessment value and exemption information presented on the form for the entire year.  

Please look for this assessment notice in the mail. When you receive it, review it for accuracy and if you have any questions,…
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Maui County Property Taxes: Important Dates and Appeals

Right now, property tax owners are receiving notices for the second instalment of property taxes, which are due February 20, 2019.  In March, notices of assessed valuations will be mailed and owners will have until April 9, 2019 to file an appeal.

January 1 Assessed values established for use during the next tax year.
January 20 Second half of fiscal year tax bills mailed.
February 20 Second half of fiscal year tax bills due.
March 15 Assessment notices mailed.
April 9 Deadline for filing appeals.
May 1 Certified assessments forwarded to the County Council for budget purposes
June 20 Tax rates established by the County
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Maui Real Estate Market Overview and Buyer Statistics: Quarter 1 | 2018

Many Buyers and Sellers want to know where buyers of Maui County real estate call home (in this case, their legal residence).  There is often a misperception that the majority of our foreign buyers come from Asia.  While this might be true for Oahu's market (particularly Honolulu), it hasn't been the case for Maui County, which includes the islands of Molokai and Lanai.  Each year, Title Guaranty, one of Hawaii's most reputable Title and Escrow Companies, provides us with Buyer statistics.  


So far in 2018, we see a similar pattern of where Buyers of Maui real estate originate, both from abroad and the mainland US.


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Maui Property Tax Rates for 2018-2019 Fiscal Year

The Maui County Council approved the new property tax rates for the July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019 Fiscal Year.

The figures below show the rates for each year.  Traditionally, the lowest tax rate is for Homeowner, where this is their declared primary residence.  The highest tax rate remains the Time Share Classification.   This is the first year the county has added the category of Short Term Rental for those condominiums that are rented for a period of time less than 180 days.  Read More on Maui Short Term Rentals.

Maui County assesses taxes based on the tax rate multiplied by the assessed value of the property.  The county assesses values each year based on the sales in the prior fiscal year. 

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