Found 37 blog entries about FAQs.

Discover Launiupoko

Nestled on the picturesque slopes of West Maui, Launiupoko is a hidden gem that offers a serene escape. This idyllic community is known for its sprawling acreage, stunning ocean views, and a tranquil lifestyle that blends open space with the charm of island living. The area is zoned agricultural, providing a perfect blend of natural beauty and rural living, making it one of Maui's most sought-after locations. 

In Launiupoko, you will note the presense of many CPR "Condominium Property Regime" Properties.  The CPR process allows a property owner to create a minimum of two separate condominiums (most typically a main home lot and an ohana lot).  There can be additional "condominiums" which are for ag use only.  Read More about CPRs

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FAQs: What is a CPR?

Most people are familiar with a condominium, yet many may not be aware that a Residential Condominium can be created on a lot whereby there are two or more residences that are part of a condominium.  You may see this in areas are where there is larger acreage and the HOA allows CPRS, such as Launiupoko in West Maui. 

In the MLS you will see a Main Home (call it Condo A), an Ohana (call it Condo B), and sometimes a designated area for Ag use only (call it Condo C).

The DCCA Hawaii notes in "So You want to go Condo" that a CPR or Condominium Property Regime is a "specific form of ownership and governing process created when real property is submitted to the condominium property regime, a process often referred to as CPRing a

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The following are links to various utility and service providers on the island of Maui.  For many condominium owners, some or all of the utilities may be included in the AOAO dues.  

Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO)
(808) 871-9777
210 W Kamehameha Avenue, Kahului, HI 96732 
Start/Stop/Move Service

(888) 406-7063
58 Ho'okele St reet # 530, Kahului, HI 96732
Start Service

Hawaiian Telcom - Maui
(877) 482-2211
2110 Wells Street, Wailuku, HI 96793
Local Fax (808) 242-0760
Residential Service: Customer Service (808) 643-3456
Technical Support: Available 24 hours (808) 643-6111 
Start Service

Direct TV
(888) 499-0374

AT&T (Phone, Internet, TV)
(808) 877-1881
275 WKaahumanu Ave, Kahului, HI

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In the Wake of the Maui Fires Here are Ways to Give

Support for our Ohana and the Maui Community

Updated 9/6/23

Maui has been a place where many of you have celebrated love. You have made the memories of a lifetime on this beautiful island. Many of you have celebrated some of the most important moments of your lives here engagements, marriages, anniversaries, birthdays, and family vacations. For residents, it is our home and we cherish the land and the people of Hawaii. It is where we live. Children are born here, families grow, and our ancestors rest here.

The people of Maui need your support. The fires have affected West Maui, Upcountry, and South Maui. People have lost their homes and their loved ones.

Please give however you can. Any

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Maui Fire Housing Resources

The Hawaii Housing Department is now taking applications for housing.  The link takes you to a page for those who HAVE or NEED a home.  See below.  

Hawaii Housing Department Program Link:


For Property Owners and Landlords:

Offer your home or available housing unit using this form. An HHFDC representative will then contact you to confirm and verify your information.

For Displaced Residents in Need of Housing:

If you have been displaced or have been left houseless as a result of the wildfires, please fill out this form. An HHFDC representative will then contact you to confirm and verify your information and try to connect you

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Maui Property Taxes Fiscal Year July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024
Changes: Classifications & Rates

Each year, Maui County does two things: assesses the value of the property AND sets new rates for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from July 1st-June 30th.  Below is a snapshot of the new Maui County Property Tax Rates for 2023-2024 as well as a summary of how they've changed over the years.

How do you calculate your property taxes given the new tiered system?

Fidelity National Title put together this helpful video when the new tiered system was introduced in 2020.  Note the tier amounts have changed in 2022 from prior years.

Maui County Property Tax Rates 2023 vs Prior Years

Rates are per $1000 of assessed value.  In 2020, the County introduced a

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FAQ: Vacation Homes & 1031 Exchanges

1031 exchanges are common here on Maui, where many properties are second homes.  The following is a summary of the guidelines for Exchanging a Vacation Home as part of a 1031 tax deferred exchange.  The information outlined below is courtesy of Julie Bratton, of Old Republic Exchange Company.

IRS Guidance on Exchanging Vacation Homes:
Revenue Procedure 2008-16 Provides Safe Harbor 

Revenue Procedure (“Rev. Proc.”) 2008-16 provides a safe harbor for exchanges of vacation homes (defined as “dwelling unit” in the Rev. Proc.). This ruling provides clear guidance of the circumstances under which the IRS will not challenge whether a vacation home will qualify as property “held for investment” under §1031.  
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Maui Real Estate Market Overview and Buyer Statistics: 2022

Many Sellers want to know where buyers of Maui County real estate call home (in this case, their legal residence).  Historically, buyers originate largely from the state of Hawaii.  In total, there were just 38 sales to foreign nationals out of 2067 in 2022, accounting for just 2% of the sales volume (number of sales) and 4% of the dollar volume ($).   Buyers from the US represented 98% of the sales volume and 96% of the dollar volume.

The majority of Maui's buyers are Hawaiian residents, representing 67% of the sales volume (number of sales) and 56% of the sales volume ($).  California runs second with 15% of the sales volume and 19% of the dollar volume ($).  Washington follows as a

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May 7, 2024

Since this post there have been significant changes and proposed changes in Maui County and the State of Hawaii with regard to short term rentals.  Read the updated post: May, 2024

Original Post Follows

This is an update to a post I wrote in 2017.  Since writing that post, there have been updates to the county code and new legislative proposals affecting short-term rentals.  Maui, like many places around the US that are popular vacation destinations, has grappled with affordable housing and workforce housing.  In 2022, a moratorium was passed on the approval of new transient accommodations, as well as the implementation of a new long-term rental tax category

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Maui Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1 2022- June 30, 2023)
Changes: Classifications & Rates

Each year, Maui County does two things: assesses the value of the property AND sets new rates for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from July 1st-June 30th.  Below is a snapshot of the new Maui County Property Tax Rates for 2022-2023 as well as a summary of how they've changed over the years.

Maui Property Tax Rates 2022-2023How do you calculate your property taxes given the new tiered system?

Fidelity National Title put together this helpful video when the new tiered system was introduced in 2020.  Note the tier amounts have changed in 2022 from prior years.

Maui County Property Tax Rates 2022-2023 vs Prior Years

Rates are per $1000 of assessed value.  In 2020, the County

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