What is a CPR?

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Discover Launiupoko

Nestled on the picturesque slopes of West Maui, Launiupoko is a hidden gem that offers a serene escape. This idyllic community is known for its sprawling acreage, stunning ocean views, and a tranquil lifestyle that blends open space with the charm of island living. The area is zoned agricultural, providing a perfect blend of natural beauty and rural living, making it one of Maui's most sought-after locations. 

In Launiupoko, you will note the presense of many CPR "Condominium Property Regime" Properties.  The CPR process allows a property owner to create a minimum of two separate condominiums (most typically a main home lot and an ohana lot).  There can be additional "condominiums" which are for ag use only.  Read More about CPRs

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FAQs: What is a CPR?

Most people are familiar with a condominium, yet many may not be aware that a Residential Condominium can be created on a lot whereby there are two or more residences that are part of a condominium.  You may see this in areas are where there is larger acreage and the HOA allows CPRS, such as Launiupoko in West Maui. 

In the MLS you will see a Main Home (call it Condo A), an Ohana (call it Condo B), and sometimes a designated area for Ag use only (call it Condo C).

The DCCA Hawaii notes in "So You want to go Condo" that a CPR or Condominium Property Regime is a "specific form of ownership and governing process created when real property is submitted to the condominium property regime, a process often referred to as CPRing a

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