Found 1 blog entry about HARPTA.

What is HARPTA, the new law, and are there any exemptions?


What is HARPTA?

HARPTA is the Hawaii Real Property Tax Act.  HARPTA is a Withholding Tax on Sales of Hawaii Real Property by Nonresident Persons.  The " withholding obligation is generally imposed on the transferee/buyer when a Hawaii real property interest is acquired from a nonresident person. This withholding serves to collect Hawaii income tax that may be owed by the nonresident person."*  This is similar to the withholding in California, often referred to as CalFIRPTA, and the federal withholding tax on the disposition of real property known as FIRPTA (Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act)." Read More in Tax Information Release No. 2017-01

Per the State of Hawaii's

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