March 2022

Found 3 blog entries for March 2022.

Maui Real Estate Market Overview and Buyer Statistics: 2021

Many Sellers want to know where buyers of Maui County real estate call home (in this case, their legal residence).  Historically, buyers originate largely from the state of Hawaii.  In total, there were just 55 sales to foreign nationals out of 3,044 in 2021, accounting for just 2% of the sales volume (number of sales) and 3% of the dollar volume ($).   Buyers from the US represented 98% of the sales volume and 97% of the dollar volume.

The majority of Maui's buyers are Hawaiian residents, representing 64% of the sales volume (number of sales) and 50% of the sales volume ($).  California runs second with 15% of the sales volume and 19% of the dollar volume ($).  Washington follows as a

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Each year, the County of Maui sends out a notice of the assessed value of a property on March 15th.  This is the first step in determining the taxes that each property owner will owe for the upcoming fiscal year, that starts July 1, 2022 and ends June 30, 2023.  The next step is the county council will meet in June and establish the new rates for each land class.  Read More about the Maui County 2021-2022 Real Property Tax Rates

The Notice of Real Property Assessment-January 1, 2022 for real property taxes due July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 are now available online.  These notices were mailed to property owners on 3/15/22.

The letters note that the assessed valuations were "derived using comparable sales that recorded up to June 30, 2021.  The

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Pineapple Hill, Kapalua, Maui: residential market update

Pineapple Hill kapalua homes for sale

Sold: 320 Cook Pine Drive listed by Courtney M. Brown sold for $3,850,000.

About Pineapple Hill

Pineapple Hill is one of Kapalua's most popular residential communities.  A gated enclave developed in two sections, Pineapple Hill (now known as Pineapple Hill phase I), and Pineapple Hill Estates (2001).  Pineapple Hill was originally comprised of 99 homesites that were approximately a quarter acre in size.  Homes were restricted to one of six-floor plans (though later modifications would be allowed if the footprint was maintained with Design Review Committee Approval.  Custom homes were allowed if built on two or more contiguous lots.  Six such homes were constructed, which reduced the

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